September lui die koms van die lente in – ’n tyd van ontwaking in die natuur wanneer die eerste delikate blaartjies en bloeisels ná die lang, koue winter skaam-skaam kop uitsteek. Dit is vir ons ook die ideale tyd om so saam met die lente die spesiale vroue in ons lewe te vier en hierdie uitgawe aan hulle te wy.
Adri Kitshoff-Botha van Custodians of Professional Hunting & Conservation South Africa bring in haar artikel “Ystervroue” hulde aan die vroue wat met beroepsjagters getroud is en soveel opoffer deur die leisels tuis oor te neem wanneer manlief lang tye saam met kliënte in die jagveld is. Lees gerus beroepsjagter Paul Stones se pragtige gedig aan die einde van die artikel wat hy aan hierdie vroue opdra.
Women are pulling their weight in so many spheres of modern-day society, both at home and in a professional capacity. And when it comes to hunting, many share this passion with the men. Andrea Potgieter of Pink Impala, a qualified PH, loves hunting so much that she made it her career, while Jo-Anne van Niekerk started her own business, Forever Africa Taxidermy. And there are many other ladies like them.
Some women prefer joining their family on a hunt – a special time spent together while creating precious memories. And what father would not be proud of his daughter becoming a budding huntress? Lumari Jennings, daughter of regular contributor Laurence Jennings, tells us about a challenging blesbuck hunt in “The one that almost got away…”. Laurence believes it is every hunter’s duty to protect and promote the sport of hunting. He did just that by taking Andriette Killian on her first-ever hunt. Not sure whether she would like hunting, she now cannot wait for the next time! Women who love hunting enjoy doing it together. Every year, pinkHunt organises a hunt during which a group of ladies harvest wholesome venison for their families and forge new friendships through their shared passion for hunting. This year was no exception. Elke de Witt shares this special hunt with readers in “pinkHunt in die Bo-Karoo”. Hunting has many wonderful facets. Cleve Cheney tells us about the magic of the campfire – a place to enjoy simple things that are often taken for granted.
As jy ’n lodge besit, maak seker jy lees Fiona Kruger se artikel oor maatreëls wat jy kan tref om jou gaste se veiligheid te verseker. In sy rubriek Bakgat stel Christophe Roelofse ons bekend aan BuddyCool se handige reeks koelhouers vir die jagveld en kampvakansies. Jy staan die kans om so ’n koelboks te wen deur aan ons kompetisie deel te neem – ideaal vir jou en vroulief se volgende jagtrippie!
Lekker jag en bederf daardie spesiale vrou in jou lewe!
Game industry greetings